Mar 26, 2023Liked by Brian Spears

I don't have a poem to share though I will make a call that I've been putting off as a result of reading this. It's unremarkable though no less painful that folks wronged are often the ones that have to do the heavy emotional lifting. 'You carry it," folks seem to say, when the burden is rightfully theirs to carry or at least to shoulder part of it. Sorry you have to go through that estrangement from your family. I know about family estrangement though the cause is different in my case. Actually, I do have a grief poem making the rounds now though I didn't think of it as such before now. It's a take on the Eurydice myth. That wanting to hold something/someone close but it keeps slipping away. I'll share it once it finds a home somewhere. Anyway, thanks for sharing this poem. I'll look for the collection.

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I hope I get the chance to read your poem soon. And all my best to you on your call.

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Beautiful, heart-breaking entry, Brian. Thank you so much for posting it.

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There’s a lot here and a lot to think about, but what I’m stuck with at the moment is a memory of watching someone, a friend, pull ticks off their dog and drop them in a jar of kerosene.

Thanks Brian and I’m not being ironic about that.

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Very thoughtful and touching essay, thanks for sharing. I don’t have a poem to share, but here’s an essay from Liz Lenz that you might enjoy. https://lyz.substack.com/p/drinking-whiskey-from-teacups

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I do have a poem about grief. Here's the link. - https://docs.google.com/document/d/10aRNMZtRT5CaCjZGelTxeKhTJ_QxSLELse0kjwWn7a0/edit?usp=sharing

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the link says "access denied" -- you might need to open up the permissions?

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